The Hidden Pillow Price: How Your Pillow is Costing You More Than You Think – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

The Hidden Pillow Price: How Your Pillow is Costing You More Than You Think – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

When it comes to shopping for a new pillow, most people focus on the price tag above all else. It’s understandable—after all, why pay more when you can get a modest pillow for a fraction of the price? Unfortunately, what most people don’t realize is that the price of a pillow is often a reflection of its quality. Think of your pillow as the bed for your head. When you opt for low-quality, cheap pillows, you may save money upfront, but it could end up costing you more in the long run.

Prioritize long-term quality sleep over a cheap pillow price and continue reading to find out how higher quality pillows can actually save you money and improve your sleep quality.

The Benefits of a Quality Pillow

Your quality of sleep is dependent on several factors, but one of the major contributors is your pillow. 

Like a good mattress, good pillows can help you to get a better night’s sleep. They can help relieve pressure on your neck and upper back, keep your spine in a neutral alignment, and even prevent tossing and turning—all of which can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling well-rested and refreshed.

How the Quality of Your Pillow Affects Your Sleep

But not all pillows are created equal. The quality of your pillow can have a direct impact on the quality of your sleep. A high-quality pillow will not only provide necessary support and comfort for your body, but it also offers several benefits for your overall health and well-being. 

First, by keeping your spine in a neutral position, your pillow can reduce the pressure on your muscles and joints, which helps prevent any stiffness or discomfort. Good pillows help you feel relaxed and comfortable, minimizing pain and helping you settle into sleep faster.

Additionally, a high-quality pillow will retain its shape and structure longer, maintaining consistent support and comfort year after year, which can prevent the need for frequent pillow replacements, ultimately saving you money in the long run. 

A recent Better Sleep Council survey also found that “cooling features and hypoallergenic qualities are top characteristics for purchases of pillows.” Breathable materials, such as cotton or bamboo, can help regulate your body temperature while you sleep, keeping you cool and comfortable, which can prevent night sweats and ensure a more restful sleep. Similarly, quality pillows made from hypoallergenic materials can help reduce allergy symptoms by keeping allergens like dust mites, pollen, and pet dander at bay.

Consequently, a lower-quality pillow can lose its shape quickly, trap dust and allergens, and have you tossing and turning all night, leading to snoring, aches and pains, and the eventual loss of sleep. Why would you let an inferior pillow cost you even a few minutes of precious shut-eye? 

Ultimately, choosing a quality pillow is an investment in your health and well-being. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper, lower-quality pillow to save money upfront, it could end up costing you more in the long run. Poor sleep can lead to several health issues, including fatigue, irritability, and depression. Investing in a quality pillow can help you get the restful sleep you need to feel your best.

The Anatomy of Pillows: Know What You’re Paying For

There are a few essential factors to consider when shopping for a new pillow. A pillow’s fill, loft, support, cooling, and hypo-allergenic properties are key characteristics that can play a significant role in how well the pillow supports your head and neck and how comfortably you sleep. 

With so many pillow options available, it’s important to choose one that aligns with your sleeping position, body type, and personal preferences for softness, support, and breathability. A pillow that works for one person may not work for another. Depending on your sleep tendencies, such as whether you sleep on your side or back, how hot or cold you tend to get at night, and whether you suffer from allergies, you may need a pillow with distinct qualities to ensure a good night’s sleep.


The fill of a pillow refers to the material used to stuff it, which can be anything from feathers and down to memory foam or polyester fibers. Each fill material has its own unique benefits and advantages, such as softness, support, and breathability, so you should choose one that aligns with your individual needs.

A pillow’s fill material also determines the shape, and often the longevity, of the pillow. For example, down and feather pillows may require fluffing to maintain their shape and loft, but they’re great for manipulating into the exact shape you want. On the flip side, foam pillows retain their shape and support longer, but they might be too structured for sleepers who prefer to mix up their sleep positions every night. 


Pillow loft refers to the height or thickness of the pillow, which can affect the angle of your head and neck while sleeping. Higher loft pillows are typically better for side sleepers, while lower loft pillows often make the best pillow for stomach sleepers or back sleepers. No matter what side you sleep on, make sure that your pillow keeps your neck and spine in alignment, as if you were standing up with good posture. 


The support or firmness of a pillow is essential for maintaining proper spinal alignment while you sleep. Soft pillows that are too limp won’t provide enough support, but firm pillows that are too dense can cause discomfort and pain. Ultimately, the firmness and support of a pillow are personal preferences. Finding the right balance of support and firmness for your body will ensure a comfortable and restful night’s sleep.


Cooling refers to the ability of the pillow to regulate your body temperature while you sleep.  These pillows are usually made from cooling gels or foams or breathable materials like cotton or bamboo that allow air to circulate and help prevent night sweats, keeping you cool and comfortable.


Hypo-allergenic pillows are made from materials that claim that they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction. These pillows are ideal for people with allergies or sensitivities to certain materials. An allergen pillow protector is always a good idea to protect your pillow from allergens such as dust mites or dander.

Good Pillows, Good Sleep

The pillow price should not be the most significant factor you consider when shopping for a new pillow. Instead, focus on the benefits of a quality pillow, including better sleep, relief of pressure, and alignment of your head, neck and spine. Consider the attributes of the pillow, such as fill, loft, support, cooling, and other properties, and find the right pillow for your sleep preferences. With the right pillow, you can get the restful sleep you need to feel your best, both now and in the future.

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