Holistic consultant
Here’s To The Grandparents Who Are Really There For Us

Here’s To The Grandparents Who Are Really There For Us

Grandparents who show up are the real superheroes. They are a treasure that should never be underappreciated.

I’m sure that not all grandparents are winners. There are always relationships that have more challenges than we would like. But hopefully, you were blessed with at least one amazing grandma or grandpa – it’s such a unique and important relationship.

Because my mom’s parents each remarried, I was lucky to have three sets of grandparents. Out of my six total grandparents, three have passed on. I miss them terribly, but I’m incredibly grateful to still have three living grandparents.

My grandmothers and grandfathers showed up for our family in big ways throughout my childhood. When my parents separated, my dad lived with his parents for a few months. This meant that my sisters and I also spent every other weekend at our grandparents’ home until my father bought a house. It was a challenging and confusing time, and we all felt a little lost. But having the familiarity and stability of my grandparents and their homemade a huge difference for us. 

As an adult, I can better appreciate how generous it was for these empty nesters to invite their son and his three daughters into their home. Although it was certainly a big change for my grandparents, I always felt completely welcome and at home with them.

All of my grandparents have been incredibly helpful to us at various times throughout my life. These are some reasons to appreciate grandparents who show up.

Grandparents Aren’t Parenting

Grandmas and grandpas have already raised their kids. Now is their opportunity just to have fun with their grandchildren. They get to enjoy spoiling their granddaughters and grandsons. And they can relax the rules. The kids love it too!

Grandparents Can Be Flexible

Grandparents are no longer parenting, and they’re often retired. So they have a lot of flexibility in their schedule, and they can show up when needed. If there is an emergency or mom or dad really need a date night, grandparents who live in the same town can step up to the plate.

Many grandparents are the first choice to care for an older child when mom and dad are heading to the hospital to deliver a new baby. And grandparents who live far away are often kind enough to fly out and help when a new baby arrives. They’re willing to cook and clean, offer advice, and hold the baby so new parents can take a shower or get some sleep.

The Wisdom Of An Older Generation

Grandparents represent an older generation. It might sound cliche, but there is a lot of wisdom to tap into there. They can often provide an alternative view when you’re having a hard time stepping back from a problem. Your grandparents have seen a lot and know that things tend to turn out alright, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment.

Here’s to all of the grandparents who show up for their kids and grandkids every day. You’re amazing, and we appreciate you.

The post Grandparents Who Show Up Are The Real Superheroes appeared first on Healthy Holistic Living.

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