The Science of Dreams: What Happens When We Sleep?

When we tuck ourselves in at night, our minds don’t just power down. Instead, they craft intricate dreams that can influence our health in ways we’re only beginning to understand. Curious about the journey our minds take during those restful hours and the role dreams play in our well-being? Let’s explore the science behind dreams, uncovering how they influence our […]

Sleep Better During Allergy Season: Effective Strategies and Tips

As allergy season rolls in, it’s not just the daytime sniffles and watery eyes that we dread. The real struggle often lies in something far more precious—our sleep. The moment spring bursts into life, finding a peaceful night’s sleep becomes an unexpected challenge for many of us. Sleep is vital to our health and well-being, especially when our bodies are […]

10x Your Performance With These Advanced Sleep & Mental Hacks – Matt Gallant

<img decoding="async" src="" align="right" alt="Matt-Gallant-1-300×300"style="margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px;" The mission and vision of Matt, the co-founder and CEO of BiOptimizers, is clear and ambitious: to usher in an era of biological optimization for humanity. This revolutionary goal aims to dramatically elevate the average healthspan and lifespan to over 100 years, while enhancing our cognitive abilities by adding an extra 10 […]

Late Night Tea Time: The Sleep Benefits of Chamomile – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

Better Sleep Council spokeswoman Lissa Coffey shares the secrets to a restful night’s sleep through the soothing and comforting world of chamomile tea. It’s late, and you’re tired of tossing and turning in bed, so what do you do? Many of us find ourselves wandering towards the kitchen, searching for a snack. Instead of reaching for a bag of potato […]

Snooze Showdown: Twin vs Full-Size Beds for Siblings or Roommates – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

In one corner, wearing a tag that reads “Space-Saving Sensation,” we have the twin bed, the favorite for kids’ rooms and siblings in shared bedrooms. And in the other corner, donned with “Roomy Solo Star,” we have the full-size bed, the champion for teens, adults, and roommates in smaller spaces. It’s time for the ultimate bed slamdown!  Which one’s going […]

The Role of Mattresses in Sleep Ergonomics – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

When you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep, it’s easy to focus on the little things like getting the room to a comfortable temperature, putting on cozy pajamas, and settling down at a reasonable hour. But there’s a bigger factor when it comes to sleep quality that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves—your mattress.  In the world of […]

The Power of Genetics, Epigenetics, and Age Rejuvenation – Mickra Hamilton

In this episode… International epigenetics expert Dr. Mikra Hamilton dives deep into the intricate world of genetics and its broader implications on human performance. As the CEO of Apeiron Zoh Corporation, Dr. Hamilton shares her profound understanding of how genes, when interacting with the environment, can be optimized for peak human potential. The discussion sheds light on the transformative power […]

Workstation Ergonomics and Sleep: Promoting Healthy Posture for Better Rest – Better Sleep Council | Start every day with a good night’s sleep

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