Why Periods Are No Longer a Red Light

For millions of girls around the world, their period brings shame, confusion and stigma. Discover how girls in Brazil, Honduras, Sri Lanka and Togo are finding education and empowerment with Compassion’s support. Each Oct. 11, the United Nations observes International Day of the Girl Child. It’s a day for us to dream of and work toward a world where girls […]

15 Brain Foods to Boost Focus and Memory

What does the food you eat have to do with how your brain functions? Turns out an awful lot. While we’ve always known that what we eat affects our bodies and how we look, scientists are also learning more and more that what we eat takes a toll on our brains. Yes, brain foods matter (especially for our gray matter). […]

5 Tough Questions About Poverty, Answered

We put five difficult questions to brave parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Why do parents keep having children if they can’t afford to support them? Why don’t they get a different job, or work harder, if they need more […]

From Hunger to Hope: A Brave Girl Named Norah

Hunger Norah’s slight body trembled as she looked to her right and then to her left. Her mother insisted that she never cross the street, but Norah’s desperation drove her past the honking cars to the door of her mother’s salon. Norah stopped short of the door. Through the window she studied the women cutting hair and allowed herself to […]

A TM Teacher’s Journey: Finding Clarity and Purpose in Life

It’s a well-known principle of life that the more you give the more you’ll receive, and this has been profoundly experienced by our worldwide community of Transcendental Meditation teachers. We are incredibly grateful to every one of our teachers, for taking the time and resources to become certified through our 5 month, in-residence TM teacher training course, and for dedicating […]

Do Hormones Affect Training Goals? – Nimble Fitness: New York City Personal Trainer

Women are acutely aware of the side-effects that come with a monthly menstrual cycle (as are their partners). Yet many don’t account for how the changes in hormones, in particular estrogen and progesterone, impacts their workouts. Like the rest of our day-to-day, the rise and fall of hormones shifts the ability to maximize performance across various training exercises. So, while […]

Silence Snoring

If you snore, then you are likely unaware of the racket you are making! If you are sleeping with a partner, our guess is they are aware! Snoring is your own personal version of noisy breathing that disturbs your sleep and the sleep of your partner. One side effect of snoring includes fragmented sleep that results in daytime drowsiness. Snoring […]

Harnessing The Power of Hope

When one is dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly one that is complex and may defy both conventional and natural medicine in many ways, it is easy to fall into the trap of despair from time to time. Although this is a natural and normal response to duress, it is not a place we want to allow ourselves to […]