Tough Questions: “Are People Who Live in Poverty Lazy?”

This is Part 2 in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read Part 1 to learn why families in poverty have large families.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough […]

Why Periods Are No Longer a Red Light

For millions of girls around the world, their period brings shame, confusion and stigma. Discover how girls in Brazil, Honduras, Sri Lanka and Togo are finding education and empowerment with Compassion’s support. Each Oct. 11, the United Nations observes International Day of the Girl Child. It’s a day for us to dream of and work toward a world where girls […]

5 Tough Questions About Poverty, Answered

We put five difficult questions to brave parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Why do parents keep having children if they can’t afford to support them? Why don’t they get a different job, or work harder, if they need more […]

From Hunger to Hope: A Brave Girl Named Norah

Hunger Norah’s slight body trembled as she looked to her right and then to her left. Her mother insisted that she never cross the street, but Norah’s desperation drove her past the honking cars to the door of her mother’s salon. Norah stopped short of the door. Through the window she studied the women cutting hair and allowed herself to […]

A TM Teacher’s Journey: Finding Clarity and Purpose in Life

It’s a well-known principle of life that the more you give the more you’ll receive, and this has been profoundly experienced by our worldwide community of Transcendental Meditation teachers. We are incredibly grateful to every one of our teachers, for taking the time and resources to become certified through our 5 month, in-residence TM teacher training course, and for dedicating […]

Joe Rogan and Tom Papa on Transcendental Meditation

Joe Rogan: How long have you been doing [Transcendental Meditation]? Tom Papa: I’ve meditated since college, just out of reading books, and then, probably about three years ago, my friend who did Transcendental Meditation said…”Go just see if it dials you in. Actually, the stuff you’re doing, the way you talk about meditating, it sounds more laborious, it sounds like […]

Replacing Anxiety with Unstoppable Confidence: An Interview with Photographer Olivia Locher

Olivia Locher, a photographer born in Pennsylvania, now based in NYC, is known for her sarcastic approach to studio photography, with a heavy focus on color and concept. A practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation technique, Locher’s photographs are grounded in consciousness and dreamlands. We recently caught up with her to learn more about her work and how her daily routine […]

What Is Daily Life Like for Kenya’s Girls?

These girls are like any girls, anywhere. They love to learn and play and have big dreams. However, like more than one-third of Kenyans, they live below the poverty line, and they face confronting challenges. With the support of Compassion’s local church partners, these girls have the care they need to rise above their circumstances with determination and hope. Welcome […]

Suffering in Silence: The Menstruation Taboo

Every day more than 800 million people between ages 15 and 49 are menstruating. And yet, in some cultures, monthly menstruation is a stigmatized issue shrouded in silence, secrecy and shame. It’s a topic that can be embarrassing to talk about, and some communities around the globe have developed harmful ideas and beliefs regarding it. The average adolescent girl will […]

How TM Helped Me Become a Writer

As I was growing up in Johannesburg, South Africa, I had several ambitions. I wanted to be a psychiatrist, a researcher and a writer. I went to medical school in South Africa, then moved to the U.S. to study psychiatry at Columbia in New York City. Finally, I went on to a research fellowship at the National Institute of Mental […]

17 Gorgeous Photos of Gardens Around the World

In these photos of gardens around the world, you’ll see more than just plants. In these gardens are vegetables — but also opportunities. Fruits are flourishing — and so are small businesses started by families living in poverty. A fledgling sprout peeking up from the soil can signify a better future for a child. Because people in poverty who can […]

The Most Effective Way I’ve Found to Stay in the Moment

Tobin Dale is a Nashville-based rock and roll guitar player and vintage guitar enthusiast. He recently shared with us his experience practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique and how it has helped him with his mental health. How long have you been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique, and what inspired you to learn it? I started about 5 years ago. As […]

11 Remarkable Photos of “Tiny Homes” in the Developing World

The “tiny home” movement has swept North America as many people begin embracing a simpler way of life. They’re moving to homes that count their square footage in the hundreds rather than the thousands. They realize that happiness can be achieved with far less than they might have originally thought. But tiny homes are nothing new. People have lived in […]

6 Weekly Prayers for Children in Poverty This Lent

For the next 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians around the world will recognize the season of Lent. This is traditionally seen as a time of personal reflection and preparation for Good Friday and Easter. The 40-day period is based on Jesus’ time in the desert, during which he fasted, prayed and was tempted by the devil for 40 days. Over […]

15 Out-of-the-Ordinary Journeys to School

With some U.S. students transitioning from distance learning to in-person school again, here’s a look at some of the great lengths children around the world go to every day to get themselves to the classroom. Whether it’s walking for miles or bumping along in the back of an overcrowded truck, these 15 photos highlight the challenges some children face in […]

How Does the Bible Define Poverty?

Many people and organizations view poverty in economic terms. The World Bank has described poverty as “pronounced deprivation in well-being.” This conventional view primarily links well-being to the ability to have command over commodities. By this definition of poverty, the poor are those who do not have enough income. But how does this conventional view align with how the Scripture […]

Kitchens Around the World: 10 Fascinating Photos

These photos of kitchens around the world say more than words ever could. Every kitchen tells a story. From Latin America to Asia and Africa, these intimate images captured by Compassion’s photojournalists show the remarkable ways that families — usually women or children — cook their food, gather with loved ones to eat it, and organize their kitchens. A girl in Indonesia […]




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