Harnessing The Power of Hope

When one is dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly one that is complex and may defy both conventional and natural medicine in many ways, it is easy to fall into the trap of despair from time to time. Although this is a natural and normal response to duress, it is not a place we want to allow ourselves to […]

Are You Addicted to Sugar?

The consequences of unidentified sugar addiction can result in depression, anxiety disorders, antisocial behaviors and violence, learning disabilities, ADHD, microbial overgrowth, lack of inner peace and well being, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and drug and alcohol addiction to name a few. Sugar and other high glycemic foods (e.g. white flour, potatoes, refined starch) are mind-altering […]

THE ART OF THE NIMBLE ASSESSMENT – Nimble Fitness: New York City Personal Trainer

What I’m about to say sounds crazy when coming out of my mouth, but here you go… As one of Nimble’s owner’s and Lead Coach, I have performed thousands of client assessments over the last twenty years! What’s so interesting about having the opportunity to look at so many people, intricately, is just how strikingly similar yet different we all are. How we think, breathe, eat, sleep and […]

Ten Ways to be More Mindful when Eating and How it Improves Your Health

Being more mindful when you eat can help reduce cravings for sugar and carbs, decrease appetite and prevent overeating, improve digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, improve mood, heighten inner peace and feelings of well-being, make meals taste better and the act of eating a richer and more satisfying experience, and facilitate more connection with your spiritual source. It’s simple, practical, and […]

How to Increase GABA and Balance Glutamate

In our quest to relieve anxiety and stress and elevate our health, balancing GABA and glutamate is a key component of the self-care plan. I overcame disabling anxiety attacks and drug and alcohol addiction more than 34 years ago, as well as compulsive overeating, all of which are strongly associated with Gaba/glutamate issues, so I know this to be a […]



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