The Potential Link Between Your Gut Microbiome and Weight Loss

The human gut is home to literally trillions of microorganisms. These organisms include bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. This may sound like a problem, but the majority of these organisms are there to help, not hurt your body. The environment these organisms live in is called the microbiome. The microbiome helps promote good health and may reduce weight gain.  The gut microbiome is one […]

Why Healthy Eating May Cause Stomach Issues

Swapping out fries for broccoli, soda for sparkling water, and fast food for home-cooked meals seems like a straightforward path to a healthier you. But the truth is, switching to a wholesome diet doesn’t always feel good right away for some.  When you break away from a diet high in sugars and fatty foods, your body goes through an adjustment […]

Got Gut Health? 5 Symptoms of an Unhealthy Gut

Understanding the root cause of gut problems is vital. The modern lifestyle, with its high stress, low movement, and a diet high in processed food, is often to blame. However, diet plays a big role in gut health. Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and highly processed foods are like may negatively impact good bacteria in your gut and encourage the growth […]

7 of the Best Foods for Gut Health, According to a Gastroenterologist

Good gut health is essential for overall wellness—it affects digestion, immunity, and even mental health. And, no matter your weight or health goals, understanding how to support your digestive system with a healthy diet can be a game-changer. According to gastroenterologist and MyFitnessPal’s scientific advisor Dr. Janese Laster, what you eat plays a big role in determining the health of your gut. The […]

How to Use MyFitnessPal Like a Dietitian

Have you started tracking your food in MyFitnessPal, but feeling frustrated that you haven’t yet been able to achieve your health goals?  I get it, but don’t worry. By learning to use MyFitnessPal like a dietitian (aka, how I use it with my clients!), you’ll begin to understand how to interpret the data you log into actionable steps that you […]

Where a Dietitian Eats Out in Miami, Florida

Welcome to Where a Dietitian Eats Out, a series that showcases practical examples of how nutrition experts navigate food choices and real-world dining scenarios around the globe. Learn tips on making healthier choices at restaurants and maintaining a balanced diet while dining out. Because enjoying food is important to developing a healthy and sustainable way of eating. Ella Davar is […]

Where a Dietitian Eats Out in Newcastle, Australia

Welcome to Where a Dietitian Eats Out, a series that showcases practical examples of how nutrition experts navigate food choices and real-world dining scenarios around the globe. Learn tips on making healthier choices at restaurants and maintaining a balanced diet while dining out. Because enjoying food is important to developing a healthy and sustainable way of eating. Michaela Sparrow is […]

What’s the Weight: An Exclusive Q&A With Dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade

This Q&A series aims to explore personal perspectives and experiences related to weight, nutrition, and overall well-being. Through candid conversations, we seek to understand individuals’ motivations for managing their weight, the evolution of their thoughts over time, and the holistic impact of weight-related journeys on various aspects of life. Erin Palinski-Wade is a 4-time author, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes […]

7 Mother’s Day Brunch Recipes Under 400 Calories

Brunch on Mother’s Day is one of the best meals of the year and a great way to celebrate the mothers in our lives. We asked registered dietitian Stephanie Tarnacki, RD, for her favorite Mother’s Day brunch recipes. She passed along these seven delicious options, which pack in tons of flavor without a high calorie count. Get ready to whip […]

Understanding Circadian Rhythm for Better Sleep Regularity

If you want to improve your night, begin with your day. As a sleep specialist, I help interpret the countless sleep hacks and tips that pop up in news stories and social feeds. With so much information out there, it is important to filter for information that is both true and helpful. Getting back to the basics of how sleep […]