Totally Worth It: Some Peace for Our World

When you read that news article that totally rocks your perspective on something. When you see that Instagram picture that makes you wish there was something more than just a little “heart” to express how much you like it. When you hear that story that fills your heart and you can’t help sharing with all your friends. That’s this blog […]

How Do the Poor Describe Poverty?

Although the World Bank established the most widely held and understood definition of poverty in strictly economic terms, the World Bank has also described poverty as follows: Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. […]

Queen of Katwe: Finding God’s Purpose on a Chess Board

Early in Disney’s new movie Queen of Katwe (in theaters Sept. 23, 2016), young Phiona Mutesi (Madina Nalwanga) learns the basics of chess from another girl. The girl holds up a pawn and calls it “little man.” She points to the king and calls it the president. The queen, the girl explains, is the most powerful piece on the board. […]

Totally Worth It

Our lives are filled with a bunch of worthless noise. Celebrity happenings, shows to binge, funny cat videos (admittedly, some of those do have value … depending on who you ask). We’re keenly aware that you don’t need more clutter in your digital lives. Some might admit that the clutter Compassion adds is more valuable than other clutter because it’s […]

What Do You Know About Brazil? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Any country that signs up to host the Olympics faces its fair share of public scrutiny. Leading up to the games this year, Brazil has been poked, prodded, dissected and inspected by the media. But what the media has portrayed of this culturally and economically diverse country is just a slice, just a sliver of the full story.What would you […]

A Short Guide to Talking About Latin America

It’s human nature to use generalizations. We compartmentalize information about the world as we view it through our own tinted lenses of experiences and interactions. And if we’re not careful, that compartmentalization can shape what we think about a group of people into a singular story. As Amber shared in A Short Guide to Talking About Africa, “It’s easy to […]

Jesus Loves the Families, All the Families of the World

I met a beautiful family in the Dominican Republic. Their home was small but meticulously decorated and cared for. Everything had a place and the family was happy. Upon hearing their story I learned that their contentment and joy was not rooted in wealth or prosperity, but in the trust that comes when God provides enough for each day. As […]

The Most Hated Creature on the Planet

“In the entire animal kingdom, the mosquito occupies a special place as receptacle for our hatred and disgust.” Reporter Archie Bland said this, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s safe to say the mosquito is the most hated creature on the planet. There are some terrifying creatures in our world. Lions and snakes and crocodiles, oh my! Sharks even get […]

When Clean Water Is Life

It’s been hard not to follow the tragic situation coming out of Flint, Michigan. Nearly one year ago, high levels of lead were discovered coursing through the city’s drinking water supply and, as a result, in the blood of thousands of local children. In children ages 6 and under, even low levels of lead exposure can cause irreversible brain damage. […]

Drought in Ethiopia: A Déjà vu Famine?

Do you ever get that déjà vu feeling that somehow the more things change the more they remain the same? I sure do, especially of late as the media brings our attention to the current drought and famine situation across Africa, specifically in the Compassion country of Ethiopia. Despite significant economic growth over the past decade, Ethiopia still remains one […]