Steps Involved in Making Cotton Fabric from Cotton Balls

Cotton is a popular kind of raw material that is utilized in the textile industry in a variety of different ways. Because its soft fibers can be turned into a wide variety of valuable items, it is one of the most adaptable crops in the world. Fabric made from cotton is among the forms of fabric that are used the […]

Sabine Kaner: Stitching life experiences –

The story of the UK’s ‘Windrush Generation’ started with hope but ultimately led to injustices that are still being experienced today. It describes individuals and families who came to the UK between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean countries and refers to the ship MV Empire Windrush which arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on 22 June 1948. There were 492 passengers […]

How to Improve Your Gut Health—Without Expensive Supplements

Reviewed by Gabrielle Fundaro, PhD, CISSN, CHC “I can’t go out tonight, I’m… busy.” If you struggle with gut health problems, you know this line is often code for one—or all—of the following: “I have to stay close to the bathroom.” “I can’t wear real pants right now.” “My farts might kill you.” Digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, indigestion, and […]

Nutrition and Mental Health: What (and How) to Eat

All over the internet, you’ll find magical-sounding solutions for anxiety, depression, brain fog, and fatigue. Eat this ancient mushroom! Wear this crystal! Hang upside down! If only feeling better were that simple. Focusing on just one food or supplement is kind of like wearing a raincoat that only covers your left shoulder.  It’s just not enough to help you weather […]

Liz Jeary: Snap. Print. Sew. –

Combining photography with stitch was not something that Liz Jeary had ever thought about until, in her thirties, she took a photography degree which introduced her to the idea of painting and stitching into her images. Liz had previously pursued a range of careers but knew all along that only something that included photography would satisfy. A number of workshops […]

My Life Without Meditation | Transcendental Meditation® Blog

The following is written by Karlie Everhart and originally published on her blog.  I started meditating ten years ago. At the time, I had suffered from intermittent bouts of anxiety and was looking for a way to calm the surmounting pressure I constantly applied to myself. The only new-agey person I was familiar with was Gabrielle Bernstein, so I bought […]

My Life Without Meditation | Transcendental Meditation® Blog

The following is written by Karlie Everhart and originally published on her blog.  I started meditating ten years ago. At the time, I had suffered from intermittent bouts of anxiety and was looking for a way to calm the surmounting pressure I constantly applied to myself. The only new-agey person I was familiar with was Gabrielle Bernstein, so I bought […]