Finding Success Through the Right Mindset With Darnell Brown

In this episode… Being successful as a person and as an entrepreneur is a long, arduous journey. What stays constant from start to finish is your mindset. Without the right beliefs, support, and mentality, no amount of effort will translate into progress. There are an endless number of gurus who will work with you and your business on strategy — […]

The Radical Runaways: Inside an FGM Rescue Center for Girls

Florence’s rescue center has saved 413 girls from female genital mutilation, or FGM, and early marriage. The Kenyan schoolteacher’s lifelong crusade to stop FGM began with her own narrow escape as a child. Warning: This story contains sensitive content that may be confronting. In a thicket off the dusty road, 10-year-old Faith* surveys her options. Which tree will be the […]

12 Heart-Melting Pictures of Kids With Their Animal Buddies

These pictures of kids with animals are cute, of course. But they also show how animals help people in poverty. Some are pets providing companionship and joy, some are livestock helping families generate income, and some provide fertilizer for crops or nutritious milk to drink. One thing these animals all have in common: Children and teenagers in Compassion’s program love […]