When Clean Water Is Life

It’s been hard not to follow the tragic situation coming out of Flint, Michigan. Nearly one year ago, high levels of lead were discovered coursing through the city’s drinking water supply and, as a result, in the blood of thousands of local children. In children ages 6 and under, even low levels of lead exposure can cause irreversible brain damage. […]

Drought in Ethiopia: A Déjà vu Famine?

Do you ever get that déjà vu feeling that somehow the more things change the more they remain the same? I sure do, especially of late as the media brings our attention to the current drought and famine situation across Africa, specifically in the Compassion country of Ethiopia. Despite significant economic growth over the past decade, Ethiopia still remains one […]

Why Girls Are So Amazing

It’s International Women’s Day, a day to honor and celebrate the cultural, social, economic and political achievements of women. It’s a day to remind ourselves why girls are so amazing. In the course of human history, the female population has been horrifically oppressed, abused and mistreated. Girls have been burned at the stake as witches. They have been buried alive, […]