How to Increase GABA and Balance Glutamate

In our quest to relieve anxiety and stress and elevate our health, balancing GABA and glutamate is a key component of the self-care plan. I overcame disabling anxiety attacks and drug and alcohol addiction more than 34 years ago, as well as compulsive overeating, all of which are strongly associated with Gaba/glutamate issues, so I know this to be a […]

How Does the Bible Define Poverty?

Many people and organizations view poverty in economic terms. The World Bank has described poverty as “pronounced deprivation in well-being.” This conventional view primarily links well-being to the ability to have command over commodities. By this definition of poverty, the poor are those who do not have enough income. But how does this conventional view align with how the Scripture […]

Kitchens Around the World: 10 Fascinating Photos

These photos of kitchens around the world say more than words ever could. Every kitchen tells a story. From Latin America to Asia and Africa, these intimate images captured by Compassion’s photojournalists show the remarkable ways that families — usually women or children — cook their food, gather with loved ones to eat it, and organize their kitchens. A girl in Indonesia […]

15 Powerful Photos of the Journey to Freedom From Child Slavery

Millions of children around the world remain trapped in child labor. Ebenezer was 6 years old when he was sent to work on Lake Volta in Ghana, a notorious hotbed of child slavery. These 15 powerful photos capture the injustice he faced … and his journey to freedom. Welcome to the largest human-made lake in the world. Lake Volta in […]

4 Family Budgets Around the World

Would you like to take a peek into the pocketbooks of a few families around the world? Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to live below the global poverty line of U.S. $1.90 a day? These four families invited us to learn what it’s like to try to make ends meet in extreme poverty. Note: The global COVID-19 […]

Compassion Fatigue in the Time of Coronavirus

Twelve years ago, I wrote a post for Compassion’s blog about compassion fatigue. I referenced 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and the Asian tsunami and the China earthquake. I talked about how the incessant news coverage after each of these events caused me to reach a place of apathy, where my heart got tired of caring and I felt as though […]

Kids Around the World: Where I Get My Water

When you need a glass of water, or need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? For many kids around the world, access to safe water is still a huge issue. They walk many miles to gather […]

What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

Have you ever heard of “poverty tourism” or “slum tours”? Slum tourism is a type of tour in which people from wealthy countries visit impoverished areas through a tour operator. Tour companies might offer packages to Cape Town, South Africa, or to Mumbai, India, to visit communities like the one pictured in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. A tour guide also might take […]

How My Own Family Enslaved Me

Brenya is 18 years old, but he is only in the equivalent of the sixth grade. The reason for his educational delay is one of the greatest issues that impoverished children in Ghana face — the lack of child protection, which tragically leads to child exploitation. When Brenya was younger, his mother left his father, taking Brenya’s seven siblings with […]

How NOT To Help Kids in Need

Extreme poverty is a heartbreaking thing to behold. It’s especially crushing when you see how it affects an innocent and vulnerable child. When you see children suffering, the natural reaction is to ask, “How can I help kids in need?” It’s a noble question, and one where you’re likely to find a lot of different answers. You might be tempted […]

This is What Life is Like in Urban and Rural El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. Located between Guatemala and Honduras, it possesses 21,041 square kilometers (about the size of Massachusetts) and is tropical, with an average temperature of 30° to 35°C (80°to 95°F). The land is mostly mountains covered with tropical rainforest, with its highest peak being El Pital at 8,957 feet. San Salvador, the capital city, […]

Can Technology Help in the Fight Against Poverty?

Have you ever wondered the role technology could play in poverty reduction? If so, read on! Compassion International is in a war to help children escape from poverty. With more than 2 million children in our programs, we are certainly putting up a fight. But, with 385 million children still in extreme poverty, we need to fight smarter. Enter Microsoft. […]

3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years

This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. It recognized children as having inherent value in the social, economic, […]

Cognitive Dissonance Theory: Wealth and Poverty

Cognitive dissonance is a theory in social psychology for how we experience dissonance, or inconsistency, and respond to it. A simple definition of cognitive dissonance theory states that individuals experience feelings of discomfort when encountering two or more conflicting beliefs, behaviors or attitudes. We find ways to reduce dissonance through behavioral or attitude changes. One example of cognitive dissonance theory is […]

Scrappers: 15 Photos of Life on a Landfill

Every day around the world, thousands of people wake up early, get dressed and head to a day of work at the local landfill. They want to be there first when the trucks arrive to dump fresh garbage on the mountain of trash. These scrappers search for plastic and metal — anything recyclable they can sell or somehow reuse. While […]

9 Photos That Show What It’s Like to Be Poor in Asia

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be poor in Asia? Asia is a wildly diverse place. From bustling modern cities to remote island paradises, daily life varies greatly. But economic status drives much of one’s everyday experiences, regardless of where you live. While Asia has made monumental strides in poverty reduction, deep pockets still exist. According to […]

Report: Hunger Is on the Rise Around the World

According to a new report, the number of people around the world who are hungry is growing. Although the number of hungry people had been decreasing for a decade, in the past three years it has increased according to the UN. Globally, more than 820 million people around the world are suffering from hunger. That’s equal to about one in […]

The Extreme Jobs of People in Poverty

People living under the international poverty line go to extreme measures to earn a living. Often they have few to no safety nets — figuratively or literally. Meet four people in Asia who do extreme jobs to feed their families. Though their occupations are harsh, they can teach us the dignity of work and the beauty of sacrificing to care […]




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