Holistic consultant
LIFE LONG HEALTH…IS IT A MYTH? – Nimble Fitness: New York City Personal Trainer

LIFE LONG HEALTH…IS IT A MYTH? – Nimble Fitness: New York City Personal Trainer

Major media outlets have recently been full of articles about the “secret” to living longer. Even just a peek at the New York Times reveals stories with themes like: “Have Stairs in Your Home and Live Longer!”  “Run Every Week and Live Longer!”  “Eat Veggies and Live Longer!” And so on.

Do you sense a theme here?  Every one of these articles deals with holistic lifestyle habits which directly affect the quality and length of your life! We’re not talking about genetics or living on a remote mountaintop, but about habits that are directly under your control. That’s it! In a nutshell, this is a pretty simple way to dramatically improve your health and lengthen your life.

The choices we make when we eat, move (or don’t move!), rest, socialize and rejuvenate give us constant opportunities to get healthier. The biggest mistake that most people make is that they think they need this monster fitness program, which takes over their life, to achieve their goals. It’s not a complicated program you need, it’s a strategic plan that maximizes resources, time and caters to your needs and goals. It needs to be simple!  If you try to tackle all the lifestyle habits you are not doing at one time, you will most likely fail.  But make one solid new habit that you have for life, you just might build your energy and in turn your desire to take on the next new habit.

How important is it to you to feel good? Feeling good is the number one thing written by Nimble Fitness clients on their intake form when joining us for our extremely valuable complimentary assessment.  Our assessment has been fine-tuned over 20 years of training and designed to understand YOU!   This article is not about our assessment but if you have not been assessed by either me, Keith or Jason, now’s the time!

In closing, if you want to change your health program for the better, choose one thing to change and start doing that thing consistently. Your one thing might be taking a daily walk, meditating, hydrating, getting to bed on time or spending time in nature. It’s doesn’t matter what you choose, what matters is that you are consistent enough to feel the change. Before long, that one change will lead to other good changes, and you will be feeling & looking better as a result!



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