How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Think of the time-related guidelines you can recite by heart. Wait 30 minutes to go swimming after a meal. Arrive at the airport two hours before your flight. Visit your dentist every six months. Now ask yourself: “How many hours of sleep should I get?” If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. (The answer is not the same for everyone […]

BSC Q3 2021 Tracker Results

In Q3 of 2021, Americans experienced a major COVID-19 resurgence – through the number of cases, in people’s news feeds and in consumers’ concerns and behaviors. According to the Better Sleep Council’s Q3 2021 Tracker, people are reverting toward some attitudes and behaviors exhibited earlier in the pandemic. This comes after seeing some relaxation of COVID-19 concerns and shopping behaviors […]

Top 5 Cancer Stem Cell-Killing Foods

Finding ways to kill cancer stem cells has been one of the holy grails in cancer research. While this is a target of biotechnology companies working on cancer treatment, scientists have already discovered dietary factors (cancer stem cell-killing foods) that have the ability to kill cancer stem cells, at least in some forms of cancer. Cancer stem cells are responsible […]

Tough Questions: “Why Do Families in Poverty Have Phones or TVs?”

This is part four in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough Question 4: “Why do families in poverty have luxuries […]

Do You Have Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction -Dysautonomia?

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction, also known as dysautonomia, is a broad term used to describe a variety of conditions that develop, at least in part, because of a malfunction or faulty regulation in the involuntary nervous system. Generally speaking, there is typically an excess of activity in the sympathetic nervous system and under activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. It […]

Pumpkin Seeds: The Antioxidant Seeds that Combat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer Cells

Pumpkins are an integral part of the holiday season. From pumpkin carving to sweet pumpkin spice and fresh pumpkin pie, it’s hard to imagine fall without this bright orange fruit. Unfortunately, pumpkin seeds, much like pumpkin seed oil, often get lost in the mix and are frequently discarded or ignored altogether in favor of the vibrant pumpkin pulp. However, there […]

Tough Questions: “How Did You End Up Living in Poverty?”

This is part three in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We posed five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough Question 3: “How did you end up living in […]

Build Up Your Bones

There’s a phrase that’s often used when we feel tired – the need to “rest our weary bones.” An interesting bone density study shows us that we should take this phrase literally! Bone density research from the Medical College of Wisconsin found that sleep actually helps build up your bones. In the study, done with lab rats, scientists found that […]

Tough Questions: “Are People Who Live in Poverty Lazy?”

This is Part 2 in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read Part 1 to learn why families in poverty have large families.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough […]

Why Periods Are No Longer a Red Light

For millions of girls around the world, their period brings shame, confusion and stigma. Discover how girls in Brazil, Honduras, Sri Lanka and Togo are finding education and empowerment with Compassion’s support. Each Oct. 11, the United Nations observes International Day of the Girl Child. It’s a day for us to dream of and work toward a world where girls […]

15 Brain Foods to Boost Focus and Memory

What does the food you eat have to do with how your brain functions? Turns out an awful lot. While we’ve always known that what we eat affects our bodies and how we look, scientists are also learning more and more that what we eat takes a toll on our brains. Yes, brain foods matter (especially for our gray matter). […]

5 Tough Questions About Poverty, Answered

We put five difficult questions to brave parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Why do parents keep having children if they can’t afford to support them? Why don’t they get a different job, or work harder, if they need more […]

From Hunger to Hope: A Brave Girl Named Norah

Hunger Norah’s slight body trembled as she looked to her right and then to her left. Her mother insisted that she never cross the street, but Norah’s desperation drove her past the honking cars to the door of her mother’s salon. Norah stopped short of the door. Through the window she studied the women cutting hair and allowed herself to […]

A TM Teacher’s Journey: Finding Clarity and Purpose in Life

It’s a well-known principle of life that the more you give the more you’ll receive, and this has been profoundly experienced by our worldwide community of Transcendental Meditation teachers. We are incredibly grateful to every one of our teachers, for taking the time and resources to become certified through our 5 month, in-residence TM teacher training course, and for dedicating […]

Do Hormones Affect Training Goals? – Nimble Fitness: New York City Personal Trainer

Women are acutely aware of the side-effects that come with a monthly menstrual cycle (as are their partners). Yet many don’t account for how the changes in hormones, in particular estrogen and progesterone, impacts their workouts. Like the rest of our day-to-day, the rise and fall of hormones shifts the ability to maximize performance across various training exercises. So, while […]

Silence Snoring

If you snore, then you are likely unaware of the racket you are making! If you are sleeping with a partner, our guess is they are aware! Snoring is your own personal version of noisy breathing that disturbs your sleep and the sleep of your partner. One side effect of snoring includes fragmented sleep that results in daytime drowsiness. Snoring […]

Harnessing The Power of Hope

When one is dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly one that is complex and may defy both conventional and natural medicine in many ways, it is easy to fall into the trap of despair from time to time. Although this is a natural and normal response to duress, it is not a place we want to allow ourselves to […]




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