Three Birthday Card Ideas for Your Sponsored Child

Three Birthday Card Ideas for Your Sponsored Child

UPDATE, April 8, 2016: Since the publication of this post, letter-writing guidelines have changed to speed up the delivery of letters and as a result you may not be able to send some items through Compassion’s correspondence system. Before you send your letter, please review our letter-writing guidelines.

Everybody has one. Old or young, we all celebrate it.

It doesn’t matter if they are big or small celebrations, we all look forward to a little acknowledgment that day – a little something from the world that says, “I see you.”

And for a child growing up in extreme poverty, we know how very special it is when he or she has more and more of them.

More and more birthdays!

It is such a joy when a faraway friend remembers your birthday by sending you a birthday card.

I remember going through the Compassion Experience and hearing how Julian was so excited when she received a birthday card from her sponsors. In her country, children living in extreme poverty rarely receive a birthday card, so it was so very special to her!

This month, for our Second Friday Letter Writing Club on Pinterest, we are launching the Birthday Card Ideas board to gather all of the paper birthday ideas into one place. This new board will help you find birthday printables and craft ideas to make your sponsored child’s birthday a special one each and every year.

So let’s start off with a birthday card. Most of our sponsored children are in Spanish-speaking countries, so we’ve been able to find birthday cards in Spanish to send them fun birthday greetings.

But handmade cards are fun to make and a great way to involve your whole family!

Birthday Card Ideas Pop-Up Cards

You can keep this one simple or get really creative with this pop up card tutorial.

Birthday Card Ideas Coloring

Birthday coloring pages are easy to print off and mail with a letter.

Want to send a little bit extra?

Birthday Card Ideas Bracelet

These paper folded bracelets would make a fun addition to your birthday letter.

Obviously, cards aren’t the only way to celebrate a birthday. Gifts are always a great idea. But before you consider sending a gift, be sure to check out these resources:

Because the Birthday Card Ideas board is new, we need your help finding a whole bunch of fun birthday card ideas to mail!

Are you a member of our Second Friday Letter Writing Club? Share your birthday idea pins with us on that board!

Not a member yet? Be sure to follow us on Pinterest and request to be a member of our Second Friday Letter Writing Club board. We love what our members are sharing with other sponsors each month!

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