The Fight to End Extreme Poverty

The Fight to End Extreme Poverty

The idea of being able to end extreme poverty in the world often feels overwhelming. But with the latest news from the United Nations, coupled with independent research about our child sponsorship program, it no longer feels unattainable. In fact, it could even be accomplished within our lifetime.

This good news is our motivation to fight harder than ever before to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!

You can also view Together We Can End Extreme Poverty on YouTube.

This is a historic time to be on the front lines against poverty. Within the last 25 years, more than 700 million people have overcome poverty!

Since 1990 alone, the number of people living in extreme poverty (living on less than $1.25/day) has been cut in half. And the number of children dying from preventable diseases is decreasing every day!

Yet, 400 million children around the world are living in abject poverty today.

We can do something about that number! Compassion Advocates invite you to take advantage of our new social sharing tool — a web page built to help you use your voice to help children in need. With this page, those hearing about Compassion for the first time can see the progress we are making to end extreme poverty and sponsor a child, all in one place!

Our goal is ambitious — to find sponsors for 5,000 children. And all it takes is sharing our new page to join in the fight to end extreme poverty with us!

Learn more about Hope Rising …

Want some more information about the independent research mentioned above? Want to know why we believe the solution to poverty is already within reach? Register for our free Hope Rising Webinar with Hope Rising author Dr. Scott C. Todd, hosted on Tuesday, January 27, 9 to 10 p.m. EST.

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