For Better Health, Try Fitness From the Inside Out

When I first started writing about health more than 20 years ago, my columns mostly focused on the physical body: A healthy diet, exercise and screening for disease were regular topics. But over the years, the health lessons that have stayed with me haven’t been about physical change. The biggest improvements in my own health and well-being have come from […]

Limpieza de primavera, para tu cerebro

Los casos de coronavirus retroceden por todo Estados Unidos y las mascarillas salen de circulación. En el hemisferio norte, pequeños brotes verdes asoman por fin a través de la tierra y anuncian la llegada de un clima más cálido. No se ha declarado el fin de la pandemia, pero después de vivir en modo de sobrevivencia durante los últimos dos […]

5 Ways to Calm Your Anxious Brain

To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. Coronavirus cases are receding across the United States, and face masks are coming off. Little green shoots are finally poking through the earth, signaling the arrival of warmer weather. The pandemic has not been declared over, but after living in survival mode […]

About Prayer

What Is Prayer? Prayer can be defined simply as a conversation with God. The word “prayer” evolved from the Latin precaria (the feminine form of precarius), meaning to entreat, beg or ask earnestly. This sacred dialogue between God and his children is an important part of most major religions. In the Christian faith, there are many prayer traditions and types […]

3 Stories That Show the Importance of Pastors

Simon, pastor of a church in Indonesia that partners with Compassion, stands with some of the children he ministers to. At Compassion, we are constantly in awe of everything our staff members do to help release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. But we also know that some of the most important contributions to our mission come from people who will never be found on a Compassion […]

The Radical Runaways: Inside an FGM Rescue Center for Girls

Florence’s rescue center has saved 413 girls from female genital mutilation, or FGM, and early marriage. The Kenyan schoolteacher’s lifelong crusade to stop FGM began with her own narrow escape as a child. Warning: This story contains sensitive content that may be confronting. In a thicket off the dusty road, 10-year-old Faith* surveys her options. Which tree will be the […]

12 Heart-Melting Pictures of Kids With Their Animal Buddies

These pictures of kids with animals are cute, of course. But they also show how animals help people in poverty. Some are pets providing companionship and joy, some are livestock helping families generate income, and some provide fertilizer for crops or nutritious milk to drink. One thing these animals all have in common: Children and teenagers in Compassion’s program love […]

Confessions of an Artist: Brandon Locher

Brandon Locher is a multimedia artist and music producer who currently lives and works in New York, NY. Since 2006, he’s had more than 60 releases under various names and artistic media, including audio recordings, visual art, multimedia art, and sound art. He’s been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for the past two years. Here’s what we learned about his […]

Confessions of an Artist: Brandon Locher

Brandon Locher is a multimedia artist and music producer who currently lives and works in New York, NY. Since 2006, he’s had more than 60 releases under various names and artistic media, including audio recordings, visual art, multimedia art, and sound art. He’s been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for the past two years. Here’s what we learned about his […]

3 Young People Reaching Their God-Given Potential

At Compassion, one of our highest goals is to help children grow to reach their full, God-given potential. Our Frontline Church Partners across the world invest deeply in each individual, helping them discover their talents and use their skills to escape poverty, bless those around them and glorify God. Honore, Jandel and Karla are three extraordinarily talented young people from […]

Meet a Family Making the Most of What God Has Given

Scott, Cyndi and their four young boys love good matches of all kinds. They enjoy sports matches, especially those broadcast by Scott’s employer, ESPN. They love matching the birthdays of their sponsored Compassion children to their own young sons’ birthdays. And they love the benefit of matching gifts through Scott’s parent company, Disney, to the family’s Compassion donations. Cyndi and […]

6 Reasons to Practice Transcendental Meditation in 2022

In 2014, Caitlin Carlson of Women’s Health magazine wrote, “Far from the hippy dippy stigma it used to carry, meditation is starting to be viewed as hip—and healthy.” The field of meditation has come even further since then, but what has remained the same are the time-tested, scientifically-backed benefits of the TM technique. Here’s more on 6 particular benefits of […]

Your Top 5 Compassion Stories of 2021

As editor of the Compassion USA blog, I always love looking back over the year to see which articles resonated with you the most. It gives me a chance to reflect on the powerful stories and photos that come from our photojournalists around the world and writers in the U.S. I also get an idea of what type of content […]

A Universal Way To Get Rest Instead of Stressed

News anchor Julia Moffitt of 13Sunrise in Indianapolis explores the Transcendental Meditation technique with local TM teacher Paul Wilson. Originally published on “‘It’s a universal practice,’ Wilson said. ‘This is a simple system of deep meditation. The sun brings the light in the morning. It wakes people up and an anchor connects us to something deep, so we get […]

Healthcare Workers Facing Burnout Find Strength through Transcendental Meditation

Last year, in an effort to support medical providers and first responders on the brink of burnout, we launched Heal the Healers Now. More recently, Hadley Barndollar of the Providence Journal spoke with Dr. Tony Nader – a medical doctor and head of the international Transcendental Meditation organization – about this initiative to provide meditation to those battling the COVID-19 […]

What’s It Like To Go Shopping Around the World?

If you think mall traffic is crazy where you live, you should check out the crowded markets in Tanzania! And you’ve never seen more beautiful produce than at the fruit stands in Burkina Faso. Take a stroll through some of the world’s busiest, most colorful markets and experience the wonder of how people in other cultures go shopping. Tanzania Lucy’s […]

5 Children in South America Share What They’re Thankful For

It’s always so touching to hear what children in poverty feel thankful for. They live with less than most people, but their gratitude overflows. It helps put things in perspective and reminds us to give praise in all circumstances! These five children in Compassion’s program live in poverty in South America. Learn what they’re thankful for … and be blessed! […]

Tough Questions: “What Don’t People Understand About Life in Poverty?”

This is the final article in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about life in poverty. Tough Question 5: “What don’t people understand about life […]

Tough Questions: “Why Do Families in Poverty Have Phones or TVs?”

This is part four in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough Question 4: “Why do families in poverty have luxuries […]

Tough Questions: “How Did You End Up Living in Poverty?”

This is part three in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We posed five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough Question 3: “How did you end up living in […]




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