Is Narcissism Affecting Your Health?

Narcissism and psychopathy are on the rise in our communities at an alarming rate. Avoiding these individuals is not easy because you may discover you lie next to one in your own bed, or amongst your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers.

Individuals with these traits often hold positions of authority in our societies where they make decisions that affect each and every one of our lives.

Many people have unknowingly become the victim of narcissistic/psychopathic abuse and are unaware of how deeply this affects their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

When we are subjected to spending time with narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, abusers of all kinds, or people who are cold, calloused, harsh, and lacking in compassion, this damages our brain and endocrine system just like a toxin or bad diet would.

Interactions with them elevate norepinephrine and cortisol levels and keep us in a perpetual state of stress. Our Gaba and serotonin levels can become depleted, and glutamate and histamine levels elevated.

All of this havoc on our brains and body can result in a wide array of negative effects and may lead to or contribute to anxiety disorders, panic attacks, chronic stress, dysautonomia, PTSD, adrenal fatigue, addiction, depression, cravings for sugar and carbs, compulsive overeating, OCD, a dysregulated nervous system, functional gut disorders, and much more.

Therefore, if we have one of the aforementioned conditions, then addressing narcissistic injury is as equally important as the other strategies I advocate for relieving stress and anxiety and elevating health and well-being like proper diet, avoiding toxins, breathwork, etc.

As a survivor of narcissistic/psychopathic abuse myself, I Iearned these lessons first-hand and acquiring the right tools for understanding narcissistic injury has been instrumental in my healing journey.

I spent most of my life in counseling due to severe emotional and physical abuse at the hands of my father and various other family members then repeatedly being attracted to men who were just like him.

Despite the decades of counseling and a long list of various types of counselors, I had never been able to heal at the deepest level. I had made magnificent progress, but I still felt defective underneath the surface.

Although I knew logically and cognitively it wasn’t my fault that my father and these men in my past who resembled him couldn’t love me, at my inner core I felt there must be something inherently wrong with me.

And I knew I was attracted to men like my father, but I had been unable to stop my attraction to them which caused immense guilt and shame.

Finally finding the right tools changed everything and it enabled me to immediately begin to heal more completely.

I found the tool that led to my greatest liberation was learning about the neuroscience of narcissism, the victim’s attraction to them, and the human bonding system.

This was the secret sauce that was missing.

With these new insights and strategies rooted in neuroscience, I was finally able to resist the spellbinding narcissistic attraction, let go of the shame and blame, and reclaim my identity and self-worth. And that is what I would like for you too.

The damage that is done in a narcissistic relationship is traumatic, agonizing, and life-altering, However, with the proper tools and education healing is possible. Not only that, but it can also become an opportunity for vast personal growth and reaching one’s higher potential emotionally and spiritually.

So today I would like to introduce you to my coaching service, RISE ABOVE: Surviving Narcissism Essentials Neurocoaching & Education.

My cutting-edge holistic coaching, grounded in neuroscience principles, offers essential support, guidance, and education for those who have experienced narcissistic or psychopathic abuse and trauma.

  • Gain essential insights
  • Rediscover your identity and self-respect
  • Liberate yourself from the narcissist’s grasp
  • Restore hope and inner strength
  • Enhance your resilience
  • Regain control over your life
  • Develop self-compassion
  • Protect your emotional well-being
  • Transform pain into empowerment
  • Rebuild your self-esteem
  • Break trauma bonds and resist hoovering

Leverage neuroscience insights to reclaim your identity and self-worth, freeing yourself from the chains of narcissism.

If you have been the victim of narcissistic or psychopathic abuse or you have been forced to spend time with one of them, I encourage you to take the steps needed to acquire the right tools so you too can reach liberation without wasting years on an incomplete path.

And even if you haven’t been a victim, learning about the neuroscience of narcissism can help protect you in the future from becoming a victim to one of them by learning how to spot them and put safeguards in place. Join me on the path to liberation.

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