Importance Of Risk Assessment And Their Corrective Action In Garment Industry

Importance Of Risk Assessment And Their Corrective Action In Garment Industry

Last Updated on 18/10/2023

Importance Of Risk Assessment And Their Corrective Action In Garment Industry

Niharika Ninawe
IE officer at Pratibha Syntex Ltd.
Pithampur, Indore
[email protected]


Introducing risk assessment in the garment industry is a critical step toward ensuring the safety, quality, and sustainability of operations. Risk assessment involves identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential risks and hazards within the industry, and developing strategies to mitigate or manage them effectively.

Importance of risk assessment in the garment industry is not just a regulatory requirement but a strategic necessity. It helps in creating a safer work environment, ensuring product quality, maintaining compliance with regulations, and safeguarding the reputation and sustainability of the apparel industry in the long run.

Here’s an introduction to the process of risk assessment in the garment industry:
1. Understanding the Need:
The garment industry, characterized by complex supply chains and various production processes, faces numerous risks. These include worker safety hazards, supply chain disruptions, compliance issues, quality control challenges, and market fluctuations. Recognizing these risks is the first step in introducing a risk assessment process.

2. Setting Objectives:
Clearly defined objectives for risk assessment are crucial. These objectives could range from ensuring worker safety and regulatory compliance to improving production efficiency and protecting the brand reputation. Setting specific goals helps in structuring the assessment process.

3. Assembling a Competent Team:
Building a multidisciplinary team with expertise in production, safety, compliance, and quality control is essential. This team will be responsible for conducting the risk assessment, analysing findings, and implementing corrective actions.

4. Identifying Risks:
The team should identify potential risks in various areas such as manufacturing processes, supply chain, human resources, and market dynamics. This could involve site visits, interviews with workers, analysing historical data, and consulting industry best practices.

5. Risk Evaluation and Prioritization:
After identifying risks, they need to be evaluated based on their impact and likelihood of occurrence. Prioritizing risks helps in focusing resources on the most critical areas that require immediate attention.

6. Developing Risk Mitigation Strategies:
For each identified risk, the team should develop comprehensive mitigation strategies. This might involve process changes, investing in new technologies, providing additional training to workers, or diversifying suppliers to reduce dependency.

7. Implementation and Monitoring:
Implementing the identified strategies is crucial. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the implemented measures are necessary to ensure their effectiveness. This might involve continuous training programs, periodic safety audits, and supply chain monitoring.

8. Continuous Improvement:
The risk assessment process should be dynamic and responsive to changing industry dynamics. Regular reviews and updates to the risk assessment strategy ensure that the garment industry remains adaptable and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.

9. Documentation and Transparency:
Proper documentation of the risk assessment process, findings, and implemented measures is essential. Transparency in communication regarding risks and their mitigation measures fosters trust among stakeholders, including workers, suppliers, and consumers.

Importance of Risk Assessment:
1. Worker Safety:
Garment industry involves machinery and equipment that can be hazardous. Identifying these risks ensures the safety of workers, reducing accidents and injuries.

2. Compliance:
Compliance with international standards and local regulations is mandatory. Risk assessment helps in ensuring that the industry complies with labour laws, environmental regulations, and safety standards.

3. Quality Control:
Identifying risks in the production process helps maintain quality standards. This includes risks related to defects, wastage, and inconsistencies in production.

4. Supply Chain Disruptions:
Risks in the supply chain, such as delays in raw material delivery, can be assessed. Mitigating these risks ensures timely production and delivery of garments.

5. Financial Stability:
By identifying financial risks (fluctuating raw material prices, currency exchange rates), the company can make informed decisions to maintain financial stability.

6. Reputation Management:
Garment brands are highly dependent on their reputation. Risks related to ethical concerns (such as child labour) can severely damage a company’s reputation. Risk assessment helps in preventing such issues.

7. Market Competitiveness:
Understanding market risks and trends helps in adjusting production strategies. Adapting to market demands ensures that the company remains competitive.

Fig: Risk matrix

Importance of Corrective Actions:
1. Preventing Recurrence:
Corrective actions are necessary to address the root causes of identified risks. This prevents the recurrence of issues and ensures continuous improvement.

2. Process Optimization:
Analysing risks often leads to process optimization. Corrective actions help in streamlining operations, reducing wastage, and improving efficiency.

3. Legal Compliance:
Taking corrective actions ensures that the company complies with legal requirements. This can prevent legal issues and financial penalties.

4. Cost Reduction:
By addressing inefficiencies and risks, companies can reduce operational costs. This includes costs related to accidents, defects, and production delays.

5. Customer Satisfaction:
Corrective actions that improve quality and ensure timely delivery lead to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers.

6. Brand Loyalty:
Consistently addressing issues and delivering quality products enhances brand loyalty. Satisfied customers not only return but also recommend the brand to others.

7. Long-term Viability:
By proactively addressing risks and taking corrective actions, garment companies ensure their long-term viability in the market. Sustainable practices and quality products build a solid foundation for future growth.

In summary, importance of risk assessment and corrective actions are essential for maintaining a safe, compliant, efficient, and competitive garment industry. They not only prevent immediate problems but also contribute significantly to the long-term success and sustainability of the business.

Risk assessment in sewing
Fig: Risk assessment in sewing

The implementation of corrective actions, informed by risk assessments, allows companies to address the root causes of identified problems. This, in turn, optimizes processes, reduces wastage, enhances efficiency, and ultimately cuts costs. Moreover, it leads to continual improvement, fostering a culture of quality and safety within the industry.

In essence, risk assessment and corrective actions are not just regulatory obligations; they are strategic imperatives. Embracing these practices not only aligns the garment industry with ethical and legal standards but also fosters a culture of responsibility, innovation, and longevity. By investing in the safety of its workers, the quality of its products, and the sustainability of its practices, the garment industry can secure its place as a beacon of responsible business in the global market.


  • International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
  • “International Journal of Production Economics,” “Journal of Business Ethics,” and “Safety Science”

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