Textile companies face lawsuit over PFAS

Textile companies face lawsuit over PFAS | Dyes & Chemicals News | News Other Publications from MCL News & Media © 2008 – 2024 MCL News & Media Interested in advertising? Simply give us a call Sales: +44 1977 708488 Or if you prefer email, click on the button below and we’ll get back to you asap […]

The Hot Honey Chicken Bites That Are Perfect For Summer Nights

The summer season is all about creating memories with family and friends, whether it be road trips, cookouts, beach vacations, you name it. But for every summer salad, there’s usually a lot of grilled red meat and processed snacks. So if you’re looking for a lighter summer-time bite that’s sweet, savory, and packs in the spice, these Hot Honey Spicy […]

Is Honey and Salt a Good Pre-workout Hack?

People have used caffeine, creatine, and protein shakes to power up athletic performances for decades. But now fitness influencers and naturopathic doctors on TikTok have been doing something a little different lately to boost their workouts. They’re gulping down a spoonful of honey sprinkled with sea salt right before lacing up their sneakers. They say it’s an inexpensive, natural pre-workout […]

Sprouted vs. Whole Wheat — Which Bread is Healthier?

It’s not always easy to find the healthiest bread to eat, especially when determining the better option between sprouted wheat vs. whole grain.  According to registered dietitian Brookell White, MS, RD , “At least half of your grains should be whole grains. And the more whole grains, the better! They provide a whole host of nutrients which can lead to a healthier […]

On Bearing Witness and the Resilience of Karuna

This past winter, I took a week of silent retreat, on which I had tacked on an extra week away from social media to deepen my practice. Upon my return to the digital world and logging onto Instagram, my Stories were peppered with images of a young girl, with its persistence acting as a warning that I was about to […]

Textile waste project targets Northern Europe

Textile waste project targets Northern Europe | Materials & Production News | News Other Publications from MCL News & Media © 2008 – 2024 MCL News & Media Interested in advertising? Simply give us a call Sales: +44 1977 708488 Or if you prefer email, click on the button below and we’ll get back to you asap […]

Grilled Skirt Steak and Elote Tacos

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy. Grilled skirt steak tacos topped with Mexican street corn is a match made in heaven for an easy summer dinner idea! Skirt Steak Tacos Taco tuesday just got a little more exciting! Summer is my favorite season. With the warmer weather, we use the grill all summer. If you need […]

Facing Transphobia on the Path to Recovery

Buddhism began for me in a sparse room. Not at a sesshin, but in a rehab for addiction. Before my last day in rehab my counselor knocked at the door. I was reading the dictionary to pass the time. She wanted to share with me a book outlining a Buddhist path to recovery. I couldn’t take the paperback with me, […]

5 Healthy Father’s Day Recipes To Treat Dad

Home cooking is a time-honored way of showing care and appreciation for the people you love. That’s why cooking a homemade meal is the ideal gesture for special celebrations like Father’s Day where the whole purpose is to demonstrate your feelings for your dad. From a nutrition perspective, a home-cooked family meal is a healthy choice and makes it easier […]

7 Weight Loss Tips for Men

If you’re on a weight loss journey, you’re not alone. According to a recent Gallup poll, 49% of all American men want to lose weight, with 23% of men seriously trying to lose weight. But let’s face it: sustainable weight loss isn’t always easy, even if you have the best intentions.  Many men struggle to achieve their health goals and improve […]

Best of The Haiku Challenge (April 2024)

Haiku work through juxtaposition—the placing of images side by side so that they inform one another’s poetic meaning. Though it is possible to create a haiku using a season word alone, with the addition of another element we can amplify that image, giving greater depth and nuance to our poem. The winning and honorable mention haiku for last month’s challenge […]

How to Find Freedom from Your Inner Critic | Lion’s Roar

The first time I tried to meditate, I didn’t like it. It was long. It was difficult. Worst of all, I felt bad at it. I was a college student attending a meditation talk and practice session. During the practice, I couldn’t experience anything but my default thought cascade. I didn’t try meditation again for several years, until I took […]

Honoring Those Who Came Before Me | Lion’s Roar

The personal pronouns I use are she/her/they/we. My use of rolling pronouns is representative of my identification with a fluid spectrum of gender expression as well as my spiritual awareness that I’m composed of both feminine and masculine qualities. The “we” is a nod to my ancestors, those who’ve come before me, and those who will come after me. “We” […]

The Dalai Lama, a Beacon of Hope | Lion’s Roar

His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is a living testament to the power of resilience and compassion. His Holiness’ path has not been easy, and yet, despite challenges and the loss of his homeland, his love for all beings has never wavered. His journey, marked by his recognition as the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, or Chenrezig, the bodhisattva of […]

Lion’s Roar July 2024 Book Reviews | Lion’s Roar

Three Years on the Great Mountain: A Memoir of Zen and Fearlessness (Shambhala Publications) is an inspirational call to practice. As a young adult, author Cristina Moon protested for human rights in Burma. She attended her first meditation retreat as a way to prepare in case she was arrested and tortured in Burma for her political activity. A few years […]

Finding Shelter in Simplicity | Lion’s Roar

The tent was ten feet wide by twenty feet long, and its plastic roof and walls were the color of raw chicken. It had two large windows whose mesh screens were green with algae and black with mold; geckos laid delicate white eggs in the rolled-up weather flaps. My husband and I lived in this tent for nine months when […]

Impact per wear – fashion’s forgotten metric?

Impact per wear – fashion’s forgotten metric? | Features | News Other Publications from MCL News & Media © 2008 – 2024 MCL News & Media Interested in advertising? Simply give us a call Sales: +44 1977 708488 Or if you prefer email, click on the button below and we’ll get back to you asap   […]

“Our System Isn’t Restorative” 

Dan Troyak is Australia’s first full-time Buddhist prison chaplain. He recently opened a retreat center called Yulo Kopa in New South Wales, north of Sydney. He recently spoke with Tricycle about his prison chaplaincy and his own dharma practice. Dan last spoke with Tricycle in 2022. He can be found online at BuddhistCounselling.net  Tell me about Australia’s prison system. We […]

5 Ingredients to Add to Pizza That Aren’t “Glue”

The homemade pizza you have worked all day on is finally ready to eat. The sauce, cheese, herbs and spices all smell absolutely fantastic, and it looks cooked to perfection. You slice it cautiously, ready to get that instagram-worthy slice, aaaaand… the cheese slides right off.  It’s easy to turn to the internet for a quick fix next time you […]

The 4 Best Burger Presses of 2024

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy. Smash burgers and Smash Tacos are all the rage right now on social media, and if you want to create these tasty recipes at home, you’re going to need one of the best burger presses. Also called grill presses, these tools are the key to creating a crispy crust on […]




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