Liz Jeary: Snap. Print. Sew. –

Combining photography with stitch was not something that Liz Jeary had ever thought about until, in her thirties, she took a photography degree which introduced her to the idea of painting and stitching into her images. Liz had previously pursued a range of careers but knew all along that only something that included photography would satisfy. A number of workshops […]

5 mixed media textile artists –

Why choose mixed media? Maybe you’re driven by a desire to use particular materials. Do you love the tactile details of stitched work and the broad brush strokes of painting, and want to combine both approaches in your work? Or are you looking for a more powerful way to communicate your message? Could selecting media closely associated with your subject […]

Jenny McIlhatton: Textile twists and turns –

While working in the world of high fashion, Jenny McIlhatton was exposed to many exciting and extraordinary ways of working with fabrics. And experimental fabric manipulation and embroidery now play a key part in her art practice. As a self taught textile artist, Jenny’s aim is to tell stories, heal trauma and reach for a better world. Using hand stitch, […]




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